Human Genome Project
U.S. Department of Energy

Chromosome 10

The chromosome image below is the online version of chromosome 10 depicted on the Human Genome Landmarks poster.

chromosome 10
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  • Magenta and green. These regions reflect the unique patterns of light and dark bands seen on human chromosomes that have been stained to allow viewing through a light microscope.
  • Red. The centromere, or constricted portion, of each chromosome.
  • Yellow. Chromosomal regions that vary in staining intensity and are sometimes called heterochromatin (meaning “different color”).
  • Yellow with thin magenta horizontal lines. (e.g., on chromosome 21) denote variable regions, called stalks, that connect a very small chromosome arm (a “satellite”) to the chromosome.

NOTE: The Human Genome Landmarks poster is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to provide medical advice. Genes associated with the disorders and other traits listed on this poster were selected from the comprehensive database Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), which designated the status of each of these as confirmed or provisional as of July 2000. The extent of knowledge about any specific gene or disorder varies widely.

Chromosomes Poster

Human Genome Landmarks: Selected Genes, Traits, and Disorders
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Each of the 24 different human chromosomes featured on this poster can be viewed on this site.